Legal Documents

izDOX AI platform empowers legal departments and law firms to focus more on core legal matters by risk identification, analysis and help in faster decisions and save their administrative tasks thereby increasing the productivity to scale their business.

Business Need

Legal departments and law firms are expected to evaluate and reduce risks and be more efficient meaning (a) have faster turnaround times (b) keep the costs lower and (c) deliver high quality of work.

  • Processing of legal documents needs domain knowledge and skills to quickly understand information from unstructured text running across sizeable number of pages.
  • Manual processing of unstructured legal documents from either paper or scanned PDF, image documents is time-consuming, costly and error-prone.
  • Making important information searchable from scanned PDFs and images is a challenge.
  • Business growth needs increase in the legal team’s efficiency by having the required information at their finger tips and minimizing their time spent on manual legal and administrative document processing.
  • Comparison of versions of a legal document across document formats like MS word, scanned PDF and image formats is not easy.


izDOX AI platform using AI technologies like machine learning, neural networks and natural language processing automate legal document import using job processing engine, document classification, information extraction, verification and information analysis for business decisions.

  • izDOX AI platform processes multi-lingual legal documents
  • Auto processing of unstructured legal documents irrespective of the document layout / format and get information from the documents with higher accuracy.
  • Automatically and accurately identify the key fields and identify risks from various unstructured documents across multiple formats.


izDOX AI platform also supports comparison of versions of legal documents in various formats like MS word, scanned PDFs, images and thereby help the legal teams to collaborate, review, analyze and save time significantly in comparison with conventional method of manual comparison of document versions across the document formats.


  • Processing of unstructured information, making it searchable for faster decision making.
  • Efficient way of go no-go decisioning with significant reduction in manual efforts.
  • Reduced processing cost and time helps to improve profitability and revenues.
  • Better compliance, information management and analysis.

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